Growing your Business with Video Marketing
Everybody is talking about video marketing. Live video is the hottest topic in marketing right now and even look at all the biggest platforms in the world. They are all looking to race towards video content and they’re all trying to come into the space where YouTube have dominated for so long. Don’t forget video can be very practical for growing your business. Let me give you some good examples of how video marketing can grow your business right now. Okay let’s get right into it.
One of the most practical ways of getting free traffic is live videos i.e a small webinar series. There are so many companies out there spending money on cold calling, TV advertising and event marketing. I’m not saying any of these things are bad for marketing but I am saying there is a lot of them and in my experience are a little bit overpriced. Right know I am 100% sure that the cost of these products will come down in the future and will become more competitive. One important factor that makes the likes of webinars under valued is the leads it generates. They generate plenty of quality leads.
- By building a webinar, they can be housed on the internet for years to come. Also webinars and live video are a great way of connecting the warm leads and also getting email addresses, so when you follow up with the prospects you’re on second base automatically and then putting all this information into a Customer Relationship Management gives you the capabilities to inbound marketing and follow-ups. Also you are building a database which is adding value to your company
- What I think is the best video content is content with some production value in it. How to content, demonstration content, instructional and informational content. What an amazing way of keeping going 24 hours a day and people consuming your brand
- This is particularly good for product based companies and is also good for services
- One of the biggest trends on YouTube right now is actually un-boxing of products. So if somebody is un-boxing and one of your products or demonstrating one of your products in the video people get to see their facial expression to their experience and what the product means to them. People have the ability to see themselves using the products and really wet their appetite for having the product and that’s one of the reasons why influencer marketing is actually so good. People follow these influences on all different platforms whether that maybe YouTube, Facebook,Instagram or Snapchat and realistically their experiences can really help sell a product. Video is not new, it’s a well trialed and tested service for selling products and has been for decades now and will be for decades to come. It is the most dominant way to sell products or services
For Service based businesses
- The best way to demonstrate your ability is how to do videos. Customer testimonials are also another great way to showcase your ability once you’ve got a genuine client who is pleased with your service and comes across well on camera. This really leaves you in a good position to then demonstrate your brand through video. Plus once you create the video content, people can be consumed 24 hours a day non-stop and if the content is created correctly it can last 10 to 20 years
- YouTube is definitely the most dominant video platform right now but it’s essential to embed your videos into websites and blogs. Facebook is going to be a real player in the future of video there is no two ways about that.
- Instagram and Snapchat are still more like micro content but still give you a great ability to demonstrate your brand,your product and your knowledge and helps drive people to your website,YouTube or Facebook
- Always try and make interaction in your content because this will help you be emails, numbers and again phone up with warm leads and people who are actually interested in your product. Also the people get to feel involved with you because you’re interacting with them and they feel like they’ve got some bond and relationship with you as well,so getting to deal with a person rather than a business is always a benefit. People in the past spent a lot of money making video content and spent that money with television ads and around events and sporting events
- Plus you’ve also got a long-term value when you build your own content. Content on YouTube could be there for 10 to 20 years if it is architected correctly
- So far I would always advise people to become more educated on video content and how important it is for business. We love helping people and would love to help educate people along the way and if we can help in anyway just drop us an email and if we can help we sure will.
Thanks again talk soon,
For More Information On Video Marketing CLICK HERE
Growing Your Business with Video Marketing
One of Ireland’s most successful bloggers, Terrie McEvoy approached us to film her first ever event she was running so she could document the whole experience. And as a result of making this video and getting thousands upon thousands of views on her Instagram, she has now been inundated with so much requests about when she is running her next event, because of the exposure this video shed on the event.